Notes from a small island

DRIFT takes part in the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States

Ben Medland, our CEO, spent a week in Antigua and Barbuda at the end of May 2024, taking part in the United Nations’ 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

The event attracted delegates from across the UN SIDS community, including input from the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, and his Chef de Cabinet, Mr. Courtenay Rattray. Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister, the Hon. Gaston Browne, also launched the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS (ABAS) during the conference.

DRIFT Energy was honoured to address the UN and leaders from the private sector at the SIDS4 Private Sector Roundtable (a special event under the auspices of SIDS4). Ben had the opportunity to tell the story behind DRIFT’s planet-scale renewable energy technology and its potential benefits to island nations, as part of a panel discussion that also included VPs from the European Investment Bank and Fondo de Fondo, the Special Climate Envoy for the Government of Denmark and the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC).

During conversations at the numerous side events to the main conference that took place over the course of the week, Ben was able to really get a feel for the pressing challenges faced by island communities around the world.

“Listening to island nation challenges across economic, sustainability, transport and ocean topics, one notable comment from an island nation that stuck with me was about the financial impact of a category five hurricane and how it can set them back two years in terms of economic productivity. Other island nations talked of the real challenges of limited space and knock-on effects of carbon treaties to supply chain costs.”

Ben also attended the SIDS Global Business Network Forum, where he met numerous private sector and NGO stakeholders to discuss ways in which DRIFT can accelerate its mission and add value to the scientific, academic and non-profit sectors. He was also delighted to catch up again with Karen Sack, Executive Director, Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance and Rick Warner from the Coastal 8 leadership team, among others.

We extend our thanks to the Government of Antigua and Barbuda for their hospitality and our congratulations to the organisational teams behind the scenes that made SIDS4 such an insightful and impactful ocean community gathering.


PRESS RELEASE: DRIFT plans first green hydrogen producing vessel with close of seed round


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