A new, planet-scale pathway to net zero
Accelerating energy transition
Pristine power
Ocean kind. Non-invasive. Scalable.
A new green power option for net zero pioneering customers.
Green hydrogen delivered to your vessels in port or at sea.
Enable passage in net zero designated waters.
Abate emissions.
Lower operating costs.
Unlock your zero mission ambition.
Go further, go greener.
Enjoy conscience-free voyages with a commitment to net zero.
Flexible delivery of green hydrogen, with consistent prices and volumes.
Not subject to the variance of gas and wholesale energy prices.
A viable, non-invasive renewable technology ideally suited to island geography.
Move from energy dependence to energy exporter.
Over 70% of the globe.
Ultra Efficient
2x offshore wind, 8x solar, 10x tidal.
Independent, distributed energy assets.
Same levelised cost at any port.
A 10th of the time to commission.
Leave nothing behind but oxygen.

“DRIFT has innovative cutting edge technologies,
in terms of being able to produce
green hydrogen.”
José María Figueres Olsen - Former President of Costa Rica
Greener quicker
Mobility - the unique advantage that unlocks Oceans of Energy…
DRIFT’s inherent mobility means it can find and, importantly, stay in stronger, better conditions than traditional offshore wind technology.
DRIFT vessels route within Goldilocks conditions, meaning they are working more than 2x the time of offshore wind farms.
The planet is 70% ocean. DRIFT is uniquely placed to unlock this vast resource of 'free range wind energy’.
An integrated yet distributed energy asset. No waiting for a grid connection, no planning delays, no invasive technology - just build and go.
More power
DRIFT vessels are guided by advanced proprietary routing software that hunts out optimum wind and wave conditions. We go where the action is!
This means that DRIFT vessels can seek out more powerful winds in the deep ocean. By varying course, they can maintain higher sustained power generation. DRIFT analysis showed that our vessels would have sailed in 2 knots more wind speed - which equates to 49% more power.
More of the time
DRIFT vessels can move with the weather to maximise utilisation far beyond static wind farms. Our analysis points to achieving close to twice the load factor of North Sea wind.
Load factors in excess of 80%
The ocean covers 70% of the globe. That is the field of play for DRIFT.
Using nature’s tradewinds, DRIFT can operate around the world. From the Atlantic to the Pacific, DRIFT technology is more scalable than traditional offshore technologies. DRIFT provides a distinct scaling advantage.
Viable across 70% of the globe
In more places
More quickly
It can take 13 years to locate, plan, design and commission an offshore wind farm.
An equivalent flotilla of DRIFT vessels could be built in a tenth of the time. With less planning, surveys and no sub-sea infrastructure, DRIFT can be far quicker to commission. That means more green energy and less CO2…sooner.
Targeting 10x faster commissioning

“Clearly this company has a lot of potential.
There is a lot of interest in it.
I was very impressed with everything I saw”.
Sir Gary Streeter, MP South West Devon